Saturday 20 April 2013

I am the operating system

Is the operating system something that we need to think about any more?
Before the advent of the smart phone the operating system defined the user experience. It segregated computer users into factions, Windows, Mac and Linux. As we all become more reliant on cloud based services the constraints of the operating system become less relevant. Software and its use becomes less defined by how it integrates with the local system and more by the utility that it provides. The ability to access your data from where ever you are on what ever screen is available, I think,  leads to a more agnostic relationship with operating systems. 
Andy Ihnatko highlighted. In a recent podcast "If I had a womb" we should choose the device and software which enables us to do the tasks we want to do. Rather than being constrained by dogma. Andy has famously "come out" that he has switched phones, from iPhone to Android, a decision I'm currently playing with. People seemed shocked that an ardent user of one particular operating system would dilute the experience by using another system.
Perhaps the ultimate goal is to let go of the operating system all together. As the computer becomes an integrated part of our lives the barrier between ourselves and our data may dissolve. We become the operating system by choosing our data.

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